China Wholesale PVC Flooring Manufacturers
Wholesale PVC flooring is a popular choice for floors in homes, offices, and hospitals. The material is water and moisture resistant, making it durable and long-lasting. It also has anti-static properties, allowing it to stay clean longer. The floors are easy to install and can be used in a variety of settings. However, the material can be dangerous to handle, especially if it is exposed to fire.
China Wholesale PVC flooring manufacturers have invested heavily in advanced technology, and they can offer a diverse range of products for different applications. For example, some companies produce vinyl sheet flooring for hospitals and schools while others specialize in manufacturing woven and linoleum products. They can also provide customized solutions to meet customer needs. Some companies even have an integrated R&D, production, sales, and installation service.
PVC is a highly flammable material, so it's important to follow safety guidelines when working with it. This includes wearing protective clothing and having a fire drill in place. When a fire breaks out, the chemicals that are released in the smoke can be toxic. A 1995 fire at a plastics warehouse in Binghamton, New York, found dioxin levels in nearby soil over 100 times higher than elsewhere.
The fire at the Jufeng plant was likely caused by an electrical problem, but it still put people at risk of illness and death. The smoke could contain cancer-causing dioxins, which can cause skin rashes and respiratory problems. It was also dangerous for firefighters to enter the burning building, which was surrounded by volatile chemical fumes. The fire reportedly slashed $11.5 million off the company's profits, according to a prospectus that Zhejiang Tianzhen published in its attempt to go public on the Shenzhen stock exchange.
In the months after the fire, Jufeng shipped finished floors to the United States, including those sold by Home Legend, a Georgia-based company. A spokesperson for Home Legend told The Intercept that its parent company assured it that the Xinjiang PVC it used came from a different supplier. The spokesperson referred The Intercept to a report that claims the company audits suppliers and follows a policy that prohibits forced labor.
Most vinyl floors are made from a mixture of plastic, wood flour, and other additives. Some have a WPC core, while others have SPC (strengthened plastic composite) cores that are denser. In general, WPC floors are lighter than SPC and require less glue to install. In addition, they are easier to clean and are stain resistant. However, they are not as durable as other types of vinyl. In some cases, the WPC core can swell and crack over time.
China Wholesale PVC flooring manufacturers have invested heavily in advanced technology, and they can offer a diverse range of products for different applications. For example, some companies produce vinyl sheet flooring for hospitals and schools while others specialize in manufacturing woven and linoleum products. They can also provide customized solutions to meet customer needs. Some companies even have an integrated R&D, production, sales, and installation service.
PVC is a highly flammable material, so it's important to follow safety guidelines when working with it. This includes wearing protective clothing and having a fire drill in place. When a fire breaks out, the chemicals that are released in the smoke can be toxic. A 1995 fire at a plastics warehouse in Binghamton, New York, found dioxin levels in nearby soil over 100 times higher than elsewhere.
The fire at the Jufeng plant was likely caused by an electrical problem, but it still put people at risk of illness and death. The smoke could contain cancer-causing dioxins, which can cause skin rashes and respiratory problems. It was also dangerous for firefighters to enter the burning building, which was surrounded by volatile chemical fumes. The fire reportedly slashed $11.5 million off the company's profits, according to a prospectus that Zhejiang Tianzhen published in its attempt to go public on the Shenzhen stock exchange.
In the months after the fire, Jufeng shipped finished floors to the United States, including those sold by Home Legend, a Georgia-based company. A spokesperson for Home Legend told The Intercept that its parent company assured it that the Xinjiang PVC it used came from a different supplier. The spokesperson referred The Intercept to a report that claims the company audits suppliers and follows a policy that prohibits forced labor.
Most vinyl floors are made from a mixture of plastic, wood flour, and other additives. Some have a WPC core, while others have SPC (strengthened plastic composite) cores that are denser. In general, WPC floors are lighter than SPC and require less glue to install. In addition, they are easier to clean and are stain resistant. However, they are not as durable as other types of vinyl. In some cases, the WPC core can swell and crack over time.